quick note-taking with deft and org-mode

Emacs must be gathering a lot of enthusiasts lately; there's hardly a week
where I don't discover some new gem. Recently, I discovered deft. And
apparently, I wasn't the only one.

So what is it deft good for? Well, often I want to jot down some quick thing
during a meeting or a telephone-call. Of course, I don't want to think about
file names or anything else distracting me from my task, just get me that note
already! In addition, at some later time, I want to be able to quickly search
through the notes I made.

For MacOS, there's a program called Notational Velocity which does this. But
really - it sounds like a typical task for emacs - wouldn't it be nice to have
an emacs package that does roughly the same?

And that is what deft does - enable you to quickly write notes, and
retrieving them later. The author has an excellent introduction on his
website, so my job is very easy :) deft is not part of org-mode, but they
can work together seamlessly. Here's my set-up:

;; http://jblevins.org/projects/deft/
(when (require 'deft nil 'noerror)
deft-extension "org"
deft-directory "~/Org/deft/"
deft-text-mode 'org-mode)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f9>") 'deft))

This blob goes in my .emacs. Note, the first line ensures that emacs starts
without errors, even when I run on a system without deft. Apart from that, I
make deft use org files for note taking, which makes it all very familiar.

All notes are saved ~/Org/deft - you can set it to something else of
course. A Dropbox-folder seems to be a popular choice for synchronizing
between machines.

Finally, the last line binds F9 to deft-mode. So, when I need a quick
note, I can type F9 C-c C-n and start writing.

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