Better Than An Animated Gif - Glass Mountain :)

Here is my animation of the champagne fountain. This simulation took longer to create than I expected but I think it looks good. The original video looks better than the YouTube version here but you can pretty much make out everything from this adaptation.
Can you see the bubbles? :P

Download High Quality Version Here

Alcohol Fountain

Well in case you didn't get what would come next, the correct answer is the champagne tower with champagne!! :P

In this scene I had to turn the fluid resolution down just to get a render in a reasonable time frame. I decided to render the scene using Yafray but this ray tracer currently does not support transparent shadows, which is kind of essential with transparent materials. It's a shame as Yafray can render fluids so much more realistically. Therefore to use this ray tracer I decided to disable the shadows on the glasses and fluid.

Champagne Foutain 2
Champagne Foutain 3

Here is a render done without Yafray. The transparent shadows are there but the fluid does not look as crisp to me.

Champagne Fountain

For the animation I have decided to stick with the Yafray version. Hopefully this animation will be posted soon :)

Tower Of Glass

As you can see from this render, the tower of champagne glasses has now taken shape :) I decided to remove the ice backing and use a darker tiled background so the glasses can be seen better.

I think its reasonably obvious what the next render will be :P

Glass Tower

and if anyone had noticed the top glass is off centre! I didn't see this until after the render had finished (5 hours). This will be fixed for the next render with champagne.

Champagne Glass Challenge

Here is a render I created during my attempt at a new scene, which is still to come.

I created the champagne glasses first and then decided to place them on a wooden floor. Mirror effects were then partially enabled on the material to reflect the glasses, indicating the floor is shiny. The ice background was then added to give the scene a more surreal look (well that's the 'official' reason, it was more like I could not decide what to make the background so just randomly picked a texture, lol :P ). Enjoy :D

Champagne Glasses

Don't Drink Too Much....

Well you've waited long enough so here is the video of the pouring wine animation. I have slowed the speed of the liquid so the splashing can be seen more easily.

As you can see there are some bugs in the animation on a number of frames. These errors occurred during the fluid calculation. As calculating the fluid took a long time on it's current resolution, I decided to animate what I had done. If I recalculate the fluid the errors should go away but I have decided to put this scene on the shelf to carry on with further creations.

The still renders of this scene show it in a better light :)

Download High Quality Version Here

At the start of this animation it shows the fluid as a fixed shape in the bottle. I decided to leave this in the animation to show the beginning shape I made for the fluid. The shapes volume becomes the liquid demonstrating how it is created. I would normally leave the liquid to rest before starting an animation.


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