Kata Kata Cinta Buat Pacar Terbaru 2012

Kumpulan kata kata cinta buat pacar terbaru 2012, kata kata cinta romantis untuk kekasih, sms kata mutiara cinta motivasi hari ini terbaru 2012.
Nah buat yang suka sama kata kata cinta, berikut ini saya kasih kumpulan kata kata cinta romantis buat pacar terbaru 2012, silahkan dilihat dibawah ini.

Jangan menyerah hanya karena sesuatu tak

Puisi Gombal Cinta | Lucu | Romantis Terbaru Untuk Pacar 2012

Kumpulan puisi gombal cinta, puisi gombal lucu, puisi gombal romantis, puisi gombal terbaru, puisi gombal untuk pacar atau buat kekasih paling baru 2012.
Nah setelah sebelumnya saya pernah posting tentang kata kata gombal dan kata kata romantis, sekarang saya bakalan kasih buat sobat yang suka sama puisi gombal, silahkan dibaca puisinya dibawah ini.


Tips | Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Secara Alami Dengan Cepat

Tips atau cara menghilangkan komedo dengan cara alami dan cepat. Nah buat sobat yang mungkin sedang mempunyai masalah dengan komedo, kesal karena susah usir komedo kalian tidak mau hilang juga, mungkin kalian bisa mencoba cara cepat menghilangkan komedo dengan trik sebagai berikut:

- GaramGaram berguna untuk mengurangi minyak yang

Puisi Rindu Sahabat Sejati Baik

Kumpulan puisi rindu sahabat sejati yang baik - Nah buat yang suka sama puisi sahabat atau puisi persahabatan, dibawah ini saya kasih puisi rindu sahabat sejati 2012.

Saat itu kita bersama-sama, susah senang dan dukaKetika dirimu dirindung pilu, aku pun ada disampingmuTapi ada satu yang kamu tidak ketahui, ketika ku memikirkan bagaimana

Penyebab Sulit Jodoh | Cara Mengatasi

Semua orang ingin kehidupan cintanya beruntung. Ingin memiliki pasangan yang cantik atau tampan, bertubuh enak dipandang, sifatnya baik, penuh kasih sayang, cerdas, bertanggung jawab, karirnya bagus, kaya-raya, serta banyak lagi keinginan lainnya.

Sayang tak semua orang beruntung dalam cinta.
Wanita Yang Sulit Jodoh
Banyak alasan kenapa seorang wanita sulit mendapatkan jodoh. Tetapi umumnya

Kumpulan Resep Kue | Bolu | Kering | Basah | Sus | Tradisional

Kumpulan resep kue - Resep kue bolu, resep kue kering, resep kue basah, resep kue sus, resep kue tradisional, resep kue brownies, resep kue nastar, resep kue donat, resep kue puding, resep kue kukus, resep kue lapis da resep-resep kue lainnya.
Nah setelah sebelumnya saya posting mengenai resep masakan indonesia, kali ini saya akan memberikan kumpulan resep kue, siapa tahu diantaranya ada yang

Smartfren Andro | Spesifikasi Dan Harga

Informasi spesifikasi dan harga Smartfren Andro. Foto, gambar, wallpaper Smartfren Andro terbaru 2012.

Produk Smartphone terbaru yaitu Smartfren Andro yang merupakan smartphone Android CDMA EVDO Rev.A RUIM berlayar 4 inci pertama yang hadir di Indonesia. Smartfren Andro merupakan kolaborasi produsen asal China, Hisense dengan seri

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Resep Masakan Indonesia | Jawa | Padang | Sunda | Sederhana Dan Praktis

Nah dipostingan saya kali ini, saya akan memberikan kumpulan resep masakan ikan/ayam, dari mulai resep masakan indonesia, resep masakan jawa, resep masakan padang, resep masakan sunda yang sederhana dan praktis, dan resep masakan lainnya.

Siapa tahu diantara anda, ada yang suka atau hobi memasak tapi bingung belum tahu masakan apa yang mau anda buat, sekarang ngak usah bingung lagi, karena

Kata Kata Bijak Hari Ini 2012

Kumpulan Kata Kata Bijak Hari Ini Tentang Cinta 2012 - Di postingan kali ini saya mau ngasih koleksi tentang kata kata bijak hari ini 2012 cinta romantis terbaru buat pacar atau kekasih 2012.
Nah buat yang suka sama kata kata mutiara cinta, silahkan dilihat berikut dibawah ini kumpulan kata kata mutiara motivasi cinta romantis terbaru 2012.


social networking with bitlbee and erc

Instant messaging (IM) is one of the great time sinks of our age. Emacs-users,
social butterflies as we are, of course want to take part in that --
preferrably from the comfort of our own environment.

There are various ways to use services like MS Live Messenger, Facebook Chat, GTalk, Yahoo etc. from within emacs – the one I use is called
BitlBee. BitlBee is a program that presents all the various forms of IM as
IRC-channels. In other words, while BitlBee knows all the details about
communicating with these networks, all you need is an IRC-client to connect
to BitlBee. This IRC-client does not have to be Emacs-based - any client can
be used - but I am using ERC. Note, the below assumes you are somewhat
familiar with it.

So, let's see how we can set up BitlBee on our system; there are public
BitlBee-servers available online, but in the case of IM, I wouldn't
necessarily want to trust them with my account data… so I'm using my own.

Setting up Bitlbee

So, how can we set this up? First, install BitlBee – many distributions have
ready-made packages, otherwise you can build from source. In the examples
below, I am assuming you are using Bitlbee version 3 or higher; if you use
a different version, the details will vary a bit.

You can either run Bitlbee as a system-wide daemon, or just use it on your
own. I am doing the former (for the latter, bitlbee.el is useful).

To connect ERC to the Bitlbee daemon, you can use something like the

(defun i-wanna-be-social ()
"Connect to IM networks using bitlbee."
(erc :server "localhost" :port 6667 :nick "user"))

I'm sure you can come up with a better nick than user… Anyhow, with this
function in your ~/.emacs, we can connect to bitlbee with:

M-x i-wanna-be-social RET

This should connect us to BitlBee; when all goes well, this will look
something like this:

*** You have joined channel &bitlbee
*** mindcrime has changed mode for &bitlbee to +t
*** Users on &bitlbee: @user @root
*** Topic for &bitlbee: Welcome to the control channel. Type help for help
<root> Welcome to the BitlBee gateway!
<root> If you've never used BitlBee before, please do read the help
information using the help command. Lots of FAQs are answered there.
<root> If you already have an account on this server, just use the identify
command to identify yourself.
<root> The nick is (probably) not registered
*** &bitlbee modes: +t

Now, this first time, you will need to register yourself (this is only
needed once); use the same nick (user in the example) that you used before:

<user> register user secretpassword
<root> Account successfully created

We're registered! This means, that bitlbee knows about you, and will save your

Re-entering bitlbee

Just to complete the bitlbee-connecting part: the next time you want to use
bitlbee, use i-wanna-be-social as before. However, now you need to
identify yourself (rather than register):

<user> identify user secretpassword
<root> Password accepted, settings and accounts loaded

This can be automated by adding something like the following to your config:

(defun bitlbee-identify ()
(when (and (string= "localhost" erc-session-server)
(string= "&bitlbee" (buffer-name)))
(erc-message "PRIVMSG" (format "%s identify user secretpassword"

(add-hook 'erc-join-hook 'bitlbee-identify)

Modify user and secretpassword as desired. If you don't want write out
your passwords in your emacs config files, take a look at keeping your secrets secret.

Adding accounts

Now, let's add some IM-accounts (just some examples here; also see Bitlbee Quickstart. Note, add any point during this, you can see your accounts with
the command:

<user> account list

and using the numbers (or the accounts 'tag') you can switch an account on
(and off):

<user> account 0 on

There are many other commands – use help command the consult the built-in

Connecting to IM networks

To connect to IM networks, you have to add the accounts to BitlBee. It will
save them, so you only need to do that once. Let's do it - in each case,
replace user and password with whatever you use for those.

You can see your combined logged-in buddy list using M-x erc-channel-names
(or C-c C-n). Or use the blist command (see help blist).

After adding an account, it's a good idea to issue the save command, to
ensure that bitlbee saves it.


<user> account add jabber foobar@jabber.org mypassword
<root> Account successfully added with tag jabber
<user> account jabber on
<root> jabber - Logging in: Connecting
<root> jabber - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
<root> jabber - Logging in: Converting stream to TLS
<root> jabber - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
<root> jabber - Logging in: Authentication finished
<root> jabber - Logging in: Authenticated, requesting buddy list
<root> jabber - Logging in: Logged in

(and of course, you can use other servers beside jabber.org)


GoogleTalk (gtalk) is implemented using XMPP (jabber), and it's
recommended to use oauth for authentication. Note, the foobar below is
just a placeholder (for a password); bitlbee wants us to put something
there, but since we'll be using oauth, it's not actually used.

<user> account add jabber myaccount@gmail.com foobar
<root> Account successfully added with tag gtalk
<user> account gtalk set oauth on
<root> oauth = `on'
<user> account gtalk set nick_source full_name
<root> nick_source = `full_name'
<user> account gtalk on
<root> gtalk - Logging in: Starting OAuth authentication

Now, a second window will open with a URL:

<jabber_oauth> Open this URL in your browser to authenticate:

<jabber_oauth> Respond to this message with the returned authorization

Follow this URL in your browser, and it will take you to some Google page
for authentication. When that is completed, you will receive some string
cookie, which you paste back into the newly opened window.

<user> 4/sIns904fdlkP5nudjCF4mBHF7Go_-E0g8
*** jabber_oauth is AWAY: Offline

Et voilĂ ! We're connected to Gtalk (don't worry about the Offline-warning).


Apart from being a social website, Facebook can also be used for IM. You can
do this through the website, or you can use its jabber interface. It works
very similar to gtalk; only important thing is that you get yourself a
Facebook username:

<user> account add jabber myusername0@chat.facebook.com
<root> Account successfully added with tag fb
<root> You can now use the /OPER command to enter the password
<root> Alternatively, enable OAuth if the account supports it: account
fb set oauth on
<user> account fb set oauth on
<root> oauth = `on'
<user> account gtalk set nick_source full_name
<root> nick_source = `full_name'
<user> account fb on
<root> fb - Logging in: Starting OAuth authentication

Then, go through the oath-authentication steps (see the discussion about
adding Gtalk accounts above).

Once authenticated, you'll get something like this:

<root> fb - Logging in: Requesting OAuth access token
<root> fb - Logging in: Connecting
<root> fb - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
<root> fb - Logging in: Converting stream to TLS
<root> fb - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
<root> fb - Logging in: Authentication finished
<root> fb - Logging in: Server claims your JID is
`-748234518@chat.facebook.com' instead of
`myusername0@chat.facebook.com'. This mismatch may cause problems with
groupchats and possibly other things.
<root> fb - Logging in: Authenticated, requesting buddy list
<root> fb - Logging in: Logged in

It's to now act upon the warning, so, we log out, change the user name and
long back in:

<user> account fb off
<root> fb - Signing off..
<user> account fb set username -748234518@chat.facebook.com
<root> username = `-748234518@chat.facebook.com'
<user> account fb on

MSN / Live Messenger

MSN uses its own protocol (although apparently they're also supporting XMPP
("jabber") now). Suppose you have an account there, user
partygirl89@hotmail.com with password iamcute:

<user> account add msn partygirl89@hotmail.com iamcute
<root> Account successfully added
<user> account msn on
<root> msn - Logging in: Connecting
<root> msn - Logging in: Connected to server, waiting for reply
<root> msn - Logging in: Transferring to other server
<root> msn - Logging in: Connected to server, waiting for reply
<root> msn - Logging in: Authenticated, getting buddy list
<root> msn - Login error: Error reported by MSN server: Invalid
(non-existent) handle [12:17]
<root> msn - Logging in: Logged in

The 'Error reported' does not seem to matter.

Other accounts

It's similarly easy to setup Twitter-accounts and Identi.ca-accounts; I've
stopped using those though, as it turned out to be a little too easy for
some typing in the wrong window to end op as a tweet… The risk is less
with twittering-mode and identica-mode.

For ICQ/Yahoo/AIM see below – replace the username/password with your

  • ICQ

    <user> account add oscar ICQ-ID PASSWORD login.icq.com
    <root> ...

  • AIM

    <user> account add oscar AIM-NICK PASSWORD login.aol.oscar.com
    <root> ...

  • Yahoo!

    <user> account add yahoo YAHOO-NICK PASSWORD
    <root> ...

    And I'm not even talking about combining bitlbee and Skype – yes, that is
    possible, too.


Now, chatting is easy, following the normal ERC conventions (and
settings). When people talk to you, a window opens (or a frame – see
erc-auto-query. And you can initiate conversations with people by using
/msg nick, with nick of course being the nickname of the person you want
to talk to.

ERC/Bitlbee also work together nicely with Sauron, the emacs event tracker.

Have fun! I have only scratched the surface here - you now have the full
arsenal of Elisp and ERC power available for your chatting.

Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Untuk Pacar | Sahabat | Romantis

Dipostingan saya kali ini adalah kumpulan ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk pacar, ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk sahabat, ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa inggris, kata-kata ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk mama, ucapan selamat ulang tahun romantis, dan ucapan selamat ulang tahun lainnya. 

Kini kau teguh, kelak kau rapuh.Kini kau semangat

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Tag Hauer, bagi penggemar jam tangan mungkin nama ini sudah tidak asing lagi. Benar! Nama yang disebut tadi merupakan pembuat jam tangan yang sangat terkenal asal Swiss. Sedikit bergeser dari produk yang biasanya dibuat, Tag Hauer kini membesut

Kata Kata Inspirasi Cinta

Nah buat yang suka sama kata-kata mutiara atau kata kata bijak, berikut dibawah ini saya kasih kumpulan kata-kata motivasi terbaru 2012 atau kata-kata inspirasi cinta 2012.
Disini kalian bisa menemukan berbagai macam kata mutiara, dari mulai kata mutiara cinta, kata mutiara kehidupan, kata kata bijak romantis, kata kata motivasi hidup, dan kata-kata mutiara lainnya.


Tips Cara Memakai Jilbab Yang Benar Dan Bagus

Tips cara memakai jilbab. Video cara pakai jilbab yang benar dan baik. Nah dipostingan saya kali ini, saya akan memberikan tips memakai jilbab, atau cara pakai jilbab yang bagus.


1. Kenakan sebuah kerudung / selendang yang panjang kemudian ikat dibagian belakang tengkuk.
2. Tarik selendang/kerudung sebelah kanan kearah depan sampai

Kata Kata Inspirasi | Hidup | Cinta | Mario Teguh

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ZODIAK CAPRICORN (22 Desember-18 Januari)

Orange dapat membuat hati Anda lebih tentram. Situasi kehidupan Anda cukup tenang dan damai, baik dalam


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